Rest Area on Highway 5 near Willows, CA. It has been raining most of the trip so far.
Finally made it to Chico, where I will be staying the night. We’ll make the rest of the trip in the morning.
My friend Jim took me for a tour of Chico. Here is an interesting tree along the Chico River.
The river runs through Bidwell Park and ends up in a gigantic man-
This is the “Bidwell Mansion”. John Bidwell and his wife Annie founded Chico in the mid 1800’s (see below)
The drive up to our destination in Adin, Ca is scenic. This cinder cone is East of Mt. Lassen. The Pit River winds through the canyon below.
Vista point along Hwy 299. Off in the distance is a gigantic lumber mill.
Finally made it to the star party. Unfortunately, the weather is windy and cloudy.
We set up camp anyway, hoping the weather will clear up.
It’s much colder than predicted, even though the sun is shining.
There’s quite a turnout this year, approximately 350 guests.
View from Camp Chaos looking North.
View looking South.
Camp Chaos :-
One fellow had some meteorites on display. All kinds of different sizes and types.
View from camp looking West. Mt. Shasta is covered with snow.
Close up view of Shasta.
It’s dinner time. There were at least this many folks in line behind me. The owners of the Frosty Acres Ranch cooked steaks for everybody.
The “Hospitality Tent”
A few vendors set up shop on the South side of the field.
This is in the “Adin Supply” store. They carry at least one of everything. It’s the only store around for miles.
“Dob Row” These are some seriously big scopes.
Mt. Shasta at sunset.